Last Letter to the One I Love

Last Letter to the One I Love, is a digital product that can help you when dealing with your grief and sadness. Be it before someone passes or after.  This exercise is very therapeutic and helps. You can put down all your feelings without guilt or shame, you can forgive or ask for forgiveness or you can just pour out your soul, your very deep sadness.



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Last letter to the one I love is a digital product that can help you when dealing with your grief and sadness. Be it before someone passes or after.  This exercise is very therapeutic and helps. You can put down all your feelings without guilt or shame, you can forgive or ask for forgiveness or you can just pour out your soul, your very deep sadness.


10 different letters to different family members are included.  They come in jpeg files 300 dpi’s and one pdf file. All are high quality digital products.

Finding your way through the stars poster is a digital product (*NO PHYSICAL PRODUCT WILL BE SENT*)
Once payment is complete, you may download your digital files from your my account/orders page.

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PLEASE NOTE: Downloaded products are non-refundable.

Copyright 2025 © Les Éditions Luminessence / Luminessence Press and Star Connexion / Connexion Étoile.  All Rights reserved even after purchase. You cannot reproduce, resell, or transfer these products. If used by your clients please contact us to arrange a commercial license.



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